Dedicated to the writings of Saint Luke.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Pontius Pilate, prefect of Judea

He is the only individual mentioned by name in the Nicene Creed. Evidence for this man, who presided over the trial of Jesus, was discovered in Caesarea Maritama in 1961 by an Italian archaeologist named Antonio Frova. The , written in Latin, contained the phrase, "Pontius Pilatus, Prefect of Judea has dedicated to the people of Caesarea a temple in honor of Tiberius." This temple was dedicated to the Emperor Tiberius who reigned from 14–37 C.E. This stone slab documents that Pilate was the Roman official governing Judea, and even uses his more complete name of Pontius Pilate, as found in Luke 3:1. Coins have also been found dating from Pilate's rule as prefect.

Luke used the appropriate title "Praefectus" ("hHGEMONEUONTOS") as either an equestrian prefect or a senatorial legate who was a Roman Consul and/or Praetor that was used up to 41 CE. Matthew used the term, “hHGEMWN” "manager" or "procurator" not the older title "hHGEMONEUONTOS" or Praefectus (pre-Claudian) that is
used exclusively by Luke. Lawrence Keppie, Understanding Roman Inscriptions, discussed the evolutionary development of these offices from the Roman Republican period through the reign of Claudius. Thus Matthew is guilty of an anachronism based on his later, Claudian usage.

Copyrighted 2005


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