Dedicated to the writings of Saint Luke.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

McCain’s Extra Hour

John McCain dropped into my neighborhood today at the Strath Haven High School’s gymnasium to catch a few votes. We were all wondering if this would happen since Barack Obama made his appearance at this same high school during the primary while classes were in session. All the seniors were able to attend; most of them are voting for Obama. This may be the only high school in the country to host both major presidential candidates. It demonstrates that Pennsylvania is a keystone state and that Delaware County is perceived to be the key.

I suspect that the McCain campaign was looking for the Reagan Democrats who voted for Hillary Clinton in large numbers. They do not live in Strath Haven. Although Hillary carried Pennsylvania by 10%, she lost Delaware County. It has been many years since this area voted for a Republican candidate for president. I have not checked but I suspect that George McGovern carried this neighborhood.

The hour could have been better spent.

Copyrighted 2008


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