Dedicated to the writings of Saint Luke.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Hiking the AT

As a college freshman at Penn State I was required to take a public speaking course. I decided to deliver a series of speeches, one of each type of speech, all on the theme of travel, drawing upon my experiences crossing the USA and hitchhiking from Philadelphia to Niagara Falls and back. Since college I have had the opportunity to travel extensively. On my vacation this year, I have decided to hike a section of the Appalachian Trail, beginning tomorrow after court.

Just as the Lucan Jesus retreated from the crowded world for solitude and prayer, I plan to take a needed vacation to enjoy what I consider to be one of the wonders of the world: The Appalachian Trail. Needless to say, I will not be blogging on my vacation. My wife and I will take our vacation together sometime this Fall.

Just a thought from Colin Fletcher:
"I knew now that I had left behind the man-constructed world. Had already escaped from a world in which the days are consumed by clocks and dollars and traffic and other people. Had crossed over into a world that was governed by the sun and the wind and the lie of the land. A world in which the things that mattered were the pack on your back and sunlight on rough rock and the look of the way ahead. A world in which you relied, always, on yourself." Colin Fletcher in "The Man Who Walked Through Time."

copyrighted 2005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well spoken....

12:04 AM


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